What We Do

We were started in 2023, to exercise small acts of mercy to those who are faced with problems bigger than their capacity. We call ourselves Creek of Mercy, because we are a small yet life-giving. There are many rivers to filled the oceans, but we chose to be a creek that fills a dry pond at a time.

Our Mission

We exists to provide small assistances, to those who are desperately trying, yet needs help to find hope in their lives..

Possible path of the creek

  • Monthly Rent Assistance, for a short duration, until income is increased sufficiently.

  • Assistance in security deposit for apartments .

  • Assistance in child-care, allowing single-moms to work.

  • Help the needy furnish their first home.

  • Provide meals to weak elderly who cannot prepare food themselves.

  • Assist elderly who are behind on utility bills.

  • Help needy fathers celebrate the Thanksgiving and Christmas, with dignity.